optiGaffers Tape - Tapes A-G

Collection: Gaffers Tape - Tapes A-G

Pro Colored Gaffers Tape

At Custom Tapes, we are proud to offer a wide assortment of tape products. One of the most popular is gaff tape. Gaff tape is extremely strong and commonly used in theater, film, or other media productions. It may also be used by photographers and book binders as well. Pro gaff tape is usually in high demand for stage performances. Unlike duct tape, it is removed without leaving residue behind. This makes it ideal for leaving stage cues for actors or holding wires and props. Cloth gaffers tape can also be used to cover cables and safely attach them to the stage. A black matte color keeps the lights from reflecting off the tape and helps it blend into the floor and out of the audience's view. Colored gaffers tape is also available and is utilized by camera assistants who set markers and perform other stage chores.

Shurtape gaffer tape leads the industry with its quality and craftsmanship. Shurtape has been in business since 1955 and offers numerous products for painters, packagers and HVAC servicemen. This is just one of the fine brands in our inventory. Choose the color and size that fits your needs. Browse our selection online or call us today at 877-891-7572 to place an order.

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