optiCustomTapes.com About Us

CustomTapes.com About Us


A Total Tape Source

We have been in the Pressure Sensitive Tape Distribution & converting business since 1967. It is often asked of us why we need to represent and convert tapes from so many tape manufacturers? The answer is actually quite simple, we do this so that we can meet your needs, but also meet your needs with the best possible tape product.

Do you have a tape application, problem or question? Contact us today for the answer!

Primary Tape Manufacturers

3M (Polymask, Venture Tape), Achem, Alpha Beta, Asia Chemical, Adchem Corporation, Adhesive Applications (Dielectric Polymers Stik-II Products). Adhesives Research, American Biltrite (Ideal Tape) Arlon, Avery Dennison Berry Plastics (Polyken, Nashua, Patco & Ludlow), Bemis (MACtac North America), Cantech Industries, Intertape Polymer Group, Jessup Manufacturing Company Main Tape, Novacel, Nitto (Permacel), Presto Tape, Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, Shurtape, Tesa tape inc, and more!

Two Locations to serve you:

2837 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN 55418
612 706-2240

7854 SW Nimbus Avenue
Beaverton, OR 97008
503 526-8894

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